Drafting Table Brewing Company Circle Logo Established 2016

Curbside pickup process

Our goal is to make the curbside pickup process as simple as possible but we do have a few easy-to-follow rules:

Same Day Pickup

Beer must be picked up the same day the order was placed. Orders that are not picked up will be cancelled – no refunds.

Age Requirement

Customers must be 21 years of age or older to purchase.

Confirmation Email

You'll receive an order confirmation email from our website (or PayPal). This is your confirmation and contains order detail.

Know your order number

Remember that confirmation email? It's got your order number on it. Be sure you have that ready when you arrive.

Give us a ring

When you arrive, please park in one of our curbside pickup parking spots, and call (248) 9560-7279. Have your ID ready.